Train your own model

Quick Start

In this tutorial, we would show how to train your own model.

About how to prepare the data, please refer to prepare data part for Training Tasks

The script is for training new learning-based registration model.

A training interface for learning methods.
The method support list :  mermaid-related methods
Assume there is three-level folder, output_root_path/ data_task_folder/ task_folder
    --output_root_path/ -o: the path of output folder
    --data_task_name/ -dtn: data task name i.e. lung_reg_task , oai_reg_task
    --task_name / -tn: task name i.e. run_training_vsvf_task, run_training_rdmm_task
    --setting_folder_path/ -ts: path of the folder where settings are saved,should include cur_task_setting.json, mermaid_affine_settings.json(optional) and mermaid_nonp_settings(optional)
    --train_affine_first: train affine network first, then train non-parametric network
    --gpu_id/ -g: on which gpu to run

An example

python -o=./demo_training -dtn=oai -tn=training_on_3_cases -ts=./demo_settings/mermaid/training_on_3_cases --train_affine_first -g=0  --is_demo
  • Since there are only three images in train, val, test and debug folder, the only propose of the demo is to show how to organize the data and run the training.

IMPORTANT: *the current network structure is specific to the OAI dataset, so for input with different image sizes (other than 80 * 192 *192), the network structure needs to be adjusted; especially for the affine network, the final layer is a fully-connected layer which is sensitive to input size; We recommend the combination usage of resampling parameter ‘’img_after_resize’’ in task setting json and adjusting the network structure.


In the ‘task_name’ folder, three folders will be auto created, log for tensorboard, checkpoints for saving models, records for saving running time results. Besides, two files will also be created: task_settings.json for recording settings of current tasks and logfile.log for terminal output.

Train a model step by step

Here, we provide an step-by-step tutorial on how to train a vSVF model on OAI dataset. A “training_on_3_cases” demo is provided here for demonstration purpose.

The demo trains a affine network first and then ,with the affine part fixed, trains a momentum network (for vSVF).

1. Organize the the data

The detailed instruction please refer to prepare data for Training Tasks.

In this specific case, we set output_root_path=./demo_output/training and data_task_name=oai.

Let’s take a glance at what’s the repository looks like.

demo/demo_training/oai$ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 zyshen compsci  70 Oct  6 22:59 debug
drwxr-xr-x 2 zyshen compsci  70 Oct  6 22:59 test
drwxr-xr-x 2 zyshen compsci  70 Oct  6 22:59 train
drwxr-xr-x 2 zyshen compsci  70 Oct  6 22:59 val
drwxr-xr-x 5 zyshen compsci 194 Oct  8 16:40 training_on_3_cases_stage1_affine (not necessary to be pre-created)
drwxr-xr-x 5 zyshen compsci 153 Oct  8 16:40 training_on_3_cases_stage2_nonp (not necessary to be pre-created)

The train|val|debug|test folder looks like this

demo/demo_training/oai/train$ ls
pair_name_list.txt  pair_path_list.txt

The pair_name_list.txt reads like:


The pair_path_list.txt reads like:

./oai_examples/9352883_20051123_SAG_3D_DESS_LEFT_016610798103_image.nii.gz     ./oai_examples/9403165_20060316_SAG_3D_DESS_LEFT_016610900302_image.nii.gz     ./oai_examples/9352883_20051123_SAG_3D_DESS_LEFT_016610798103_label_all.nii.gz     ./oai_examples/9403165_20060316_SAG_3D_DESS_LEFT_016610900302_label_all.nii.gz
./oai_examples/9761431_20051103_SAG_3D_DESS_RIGHT_016610945809_image.nii.gz     ./oai_examples/9211869_20050131_SAG_3D_DESS_RIGHT_016610167512_image.nii.gz     ./oai_examples/9761431_20051103_SAG_3D_DESS_RIGHT_016610945809_label_all.nii.gz     ./oai_examples/9211869_20050131_SAG_3D_DESS_RIGHT_016610167512_label_all.nii.gz
./oai_examples/9352437_20050411_SAG_3D_DESS_LEFT_016610106806_image.nii.gz     ./oai_examples/9102858_20060210_SAG_3D_DESS_LEFT_016610859602_image.nii.gz     ./oai_examples/9352437_20050411_SAG_3D_DESS_LEFT_016610106806_label_all.nii.gz     ./oai_examples/9102858_20060210_SAG_3D_DESS_LEFT_016610859602_label_all.nii.gz

2. Set the task

There are two settings files involved for mermaid-related task, cur_task_setting.json for EasyReg and mermaid_nonp_settings.json for Mermaid. And for the settings on other tasks, please refer to demo repository.

Since Mermaid has its own tutorial on setting, we would focus on cur_task_setting.json.

An important notice is:

  • the current network structure is specific to the OAI dataset, so for input with different image sizes (other than 80 * 192 *192), the network structure needs to be adjusted; especially for the affine network, the final layer is a fully-connected layer which is sensitive to input size; We recommend the combination usage of parameter ‘’img_after_resize’’ for resampling input with adjusting the network structures in “”.

Here is an example from training_on_3_cases, which can be found in ./demo/demo_settins/training_on_3_cases.

The detailed settings should can be referred from Training Settings.

Here, we list some of the most important parameters in cur_task_setting.json.

  • “model”: “the model type, only ‘reg_net’ is for training”.
  • “method_name”: “MODEL: METHOD_NAME; affine_sym, mermaid(can optionally including affine)”.
  • “mermaid_net_json_pth”: the path for mermaid settings json.
  • “loss”: the similarity measure type, support list: l1, mse, ncc, lncc.
  • “train”: if is in train mode.
    "dataset": {
        "img_after_resize": [
        "load_training_data_into_memory": true,
        "max_pair_for_loading": [
        "spacing_to_refer": [
    "tsk_set": {
        "batch_sz": 1,
        "check_best_model_period": 5,
        "continue_train": false,
        "continue_train_lr": 5e-05,
        "criticUpdates": 2,
        "epoch": 50,
        "gpu_ids": 0,
        "loss": {
            "type": "lncc"
        "max_batch_num_per_epoch": [
        "model": "reg_net",
        "model_path": "",
        "n_in_channel": 1,
        "method_name": "mermaid",
        "optim": {
            "adam": {
                "beta": 0.9
            "lr": 0.0001,
            "lr_scheduler": {
                "custom": {
                    "gamma": 0.5,
                    "step_size": 20
                "type": "custom"
            "optim_type": "adam"
        "output_taking_original_image_format": true,
        "print_step": [
        "print_val_detail": true,
        "reg": {
            "affine_net": {
                "acc_multi_step_loss": false,
                "affine_net_iter": 3,
                "epoch_activate_extern_loss": 20,
                "epoch_activate_multi_step": 30,
                "epoch_activate_sym": 40,
                "epoch_activate_sym_loss": 40,
                "initial_reg_factor": 10,
                "min_reg_factor": 1e-3,
                "reset_lr_for_multi_step": true,
                "using_complex_net": true
            "compute_inverse_map": false,
            "low_res_factor": 0.5,
            "mermaid_net": {
                "affine_init_path": "",
                "affine_refine_step": 5,
                "clamp_momentum": false,
                "clamp_thre": 1,
                "epoch_activate_multi_step": 30,
                "epoch_activate_sym": 40,
                "load_trained_affine_net": true,
                "mermaid_net_json_pth": "./demo_settings/mermaid/training_network_vsvf/mermaid_nonp_settings.json",
                "num_step": 2,
                "optimize_momentum_network": true,
                "reset_lr_for_multi_step": true,
                "sym_factor": 500,
                "using_affine_init": true,
                "using_physical_coord": false,
                "using_complex_net": true
        "save_3d_img_on": false,
        "save_extra_3d_img": true,
        "save_fig_on": true,
        "train": true,
        "use_physical_coord": false,
        "val_period": 10,
        "warmming_up_epoch": 2

3. Train the model

End-to-end training

In demo repository, we include a training demo. The demo trains the affine-network first then the momentum generation network for the vSVF model.

python -o=./demo_training -dtn=oai -tn=training_on_3_cases -ts=./demo_settings/mermaid/training_on_3_cases --train_affine_first -g=0

Two steps training

The above training involves both affine and non-parametric parts. In practice, we sometimes need to fine tune them separately. Let’s only train the affine part, we need following steps

  • set “method_name”: “affine_sym”,
  • set affine network settings in “affine_net”
  • remove –train_affine_first from command line above.
python -o=./demo_training -dtn=oai -tn=training_on_3_cases_affine -ts=./demo_settings/mermaid/training_on_3_cases  -g=0

After we complete training the affine part, the next step is calling mermaid-net to train the non-parametric part. Simiarly, we need following steps

  • set “method_name”: “mermaid”,
  • set param “using_affine_init”:true and set “affine_init_path” as the affine-network checkpoint path (can be found in checkpoints repository).
  • set non-parametric (mermaid) network settings in “mermaid_net”
python -o=./demo_training -dtn=oai -tn=training_on_3_cases_nonp -ts=./demo_settings/mermaid/training_on_3_cases  -g=0

4. Resume the training

Sometimes we need to refine the model, i.e adjusting different learning rate or taking different regularization factors.

To resume the training, we can need following steps

  • set “method_name”, make it consistent with the model to load
  • set “continue_train”: true and set “continue_train_lr”
  • optional, if the epoch number needs to be reset into a given number, set “reset_train_epoch” and “load_model_but_train_from_epoch”
  • set “model_path” as the path of the checkpoint
python -o=./demo_training -dtn=oai -tn=training_on_3_cases_resume -ts=./demo_settings/mermaid/training_on_3_cases  -g=0

Training Settings

In this section, we would provide comment files for EasyReg json setting file and Mermaid json setting files.

Settings for EasyReg

The detailed comments on EasyReg settings can be found in cur_task_setting_comment.json, which is shared by all mermaid-based models.

    "dataset": {
        "img_after_resize": "image size after resampling",
        "max_pair_for_loading": "the max number of pairs to be loaded, set -1 if there is no constraint,[max_train, max_val, max_test, max_debug]",
        "load_training_data_into_memory": "when train network, load all training sample into memory can relieve disk burden",
        "spacing_to_refer": "the physical spacing in numpy coordinate, only activate when using_physical_coord is true"
    "tsk_set": {
        "batch_sz": "batch sz (only for mermaid related method, otherwise set to 1)",
        "check_best_model_period":"save best performed model every # epoch",
        "continue_train": "for network training method, continue training the model loaded from model_path",
        "continue_train_lr": "learning rate for continuing to train",
    "reset_train_epoch": "allow the training epoch to be reset or not",
    "load_model_but_train_from_epoch": "if reset_train_epoch is true, the epoch will be set as the given number",
        "criticUpdates": "for network training method, the num determines gradient update every # iter",
        "epoch": "num of training epoch",
        "gpu_ids": "the gpu id used for network methods",
        "loss": {
            "type": "the similarity measure type, support list: 'l1','mse','ncc','lncc'"
        "max_batch_num_per_epoch": "max batch number per epoch for train|val|test|debug",
        "model": "the model type, mermaid_iter|reg_net|ants|demons|niftyreg",
        "model_path": "if continue_train, the model path should be given here",
        "n_in_channel": "for network training method, the color channel typically set to 1",
        "method_name": "MODEL: METHOD_NAME; mermaid_iter: affine, nonp; reg_net: affine_sym, mermaid; ants: affine, syn; niftyreg: affine, bspline; demons: demons",
        "optim": {
            "adam": {},
            "lr_scheduler": {
                "custom": {}
        "output_taking_original_image_format": "output follows the same sz and physical format of the original image (input by command line or txt)",
        "save_original_image_by_type": "save_original_image_by_type, should be a bool list to refer which image needs to be saved, each elements should refer to source, target, warped, phi, inv_warped, inv_phi",
        "path": {
            "__doc__": "record paths"
        "reg": {
            "affine_net": {
                "acc_multi_step_loss": "accumulate loss at each step",
                "affine_net_iter": "num of step",
                "epoch_activate_extern_loss": "epoch to activate the external loss which will replace the default ncc loss",
                "epoch_activate_multi_step": "epoch to activate multi-step affine",
                "epoch_activate_sym": "epoch to activate symmetric forward",
                "epoch_activate_sym_loss": "the epoch to take symmetric loss into backward , only if epoch_activate_sym and epoch_activate_sym_loss",
                "lr_for_multi_step": "if reset_lr_for_multi_step, reset learning rate into # when multi-step begins",
                "initial_reg_factor": "initial regularization factor",
            "min_reg_factor": "minimum regularization factor",
            "sym_factor": "factor of symmetric loss",
                "reset_lr_for_multi_step": "if True, reset learning rate when multi-step begins",
                "using_complex_net": "use complex version of affine net"
            "compute_inverse_map": "compute the inverse transformation map",
            "low_res_factor": "factor of low-resolution map",
            "mermaid_net": {
                "affine_init_path": "the path of trained affined network",
                "affine_refine_step": "the multi-step num in affine refinement",
                "clamp_momentum": "clamp_momentum",
                "clamp_thre": "clamp momentum into [-clamp_thre, clamp_thre]",
                "epoch_activate_multi_step": "epoch activate the multi-step",
                "epoch_activate_sym": "epoch activate the symmetric loss",
                "epoch_list_fixed_deep_smoother_network": "epoch_list_fixed_deep_smoother_network",
                "epoch_list_fixed_momentum_network": "list of epoch, fix the momentum network",
                "load_trained_affine_net": "if true load_trained_affine_net; if false, the affine network is not initialized",
                "lr_for_multi_step": "if reset_lr_for_multi_step, reset learning rate when multi-step begins",
                "mermaid_net_json_pth": "the path for mermaid settings json",
                "num_step": "compute multi-step loss",
                "optimize_momentum_network": "if true, optimize the momentum network",
                "reset_lr_for_multi_step": "if True, reset learning rate when multi-step begins",
                "sym_factor": "factor on symmetric loss",
                "using_affine_init": "if ture, deploy an affine network before mermaid-net",
                "using_physical_coord": "use physical coordinate system",
                "using_complex_net": "using complex version of momentum generation network"
        "save_3d_img_on": "saving fig",
        "save_extra_3d_img": "save extra image",
        "save_fig_on": "saving fig",
        "train": "if is in train mode",
        "use_physical_coord": "Keep physical spacing",
        "val_period": "do validation every num epoch",
        "warmming_up_epoch": "warming up the model in the first # epoch"

Settings for Mermaid

The corresponding comments for Mermaid part are in mermaid_nonp_settins_comment.json. Depends on model and similarity measure, the comments may differ.

Here we list setting typical setting documents on vSVF model and RDMM model.

Mermaid settings on vSVF

    "model": {
        "deformation": {
            "compute_similarity_measure_at_low_res": "to compute Sim at lower resolution"
        "registration_model": {
            "env": {
                "__doc__": "env settings, typically are specificed by the external package, including the mode for solver or for smoother",
                "get_momentum_from_external_network": "use external network to predict momentum, notice that the momentum network is not built in this package",
                "reg_factor": "regularzation factor",
                "use_ode_tuple": "once use torchdiffeq package, take the tuple input or tensor input",
                "use_odeint": "using torchdiffeq package as the ode solver"
            "forward_model": {
                "smoother": {
                    "multi_gaussian_stds": "std deviations for the Gaussians",
                    "multi_gaussian_weights": "weights for the multiple Gaussians",
                    "type": "type of smoother (diffusion|gaussian|adaptive_gaussian|multiGaussian|adaptive_multiGaussian|gaussianSpatial|adaptiveNet)"
            "loss": {
                "__doc__": "settings for the loss function",
                "display_max_displacement": "displays the current maximal displacement",
                "limit_displacement": "[True/False] if set to true limits the maximal displacement based on the max_displacement_setting",
                "max_displacement": "Max displacement penalty added to loss function of limit_displacement set to True"
            "shooting_vector_momentum": {
                "__doc__": "settings for shooting vector momentum methods",
                "use_velocity_mask_on_boundary": "a mask to force boundary velocity be zero, the value of the mask is from 0-1"
            "similarity_measure": {},
            "spline_order": "Spline interpolation order; 1 is linear interpolation (default); 3 is cubic spline",
            "type": "Name of the registration model",
            "use_CFL_clamping": "If the model uses time integration, CFL clamping is used"

Mermaid settings on RDMM

    "model": {
        "deformation": {
            "compute_similarity_measure_at_low_res": "to compute Sim at lower resolution"
        "registration_model": {
            "env": {
                "__doc__": "env settings, typically are specificed by the external package, including the mode for solver or for smoother",
                "addition_smoother": "using torchdiffeq package as the ode solver",
                "get_momentum_from_external_network": "use external network to predict momentum, notice that the momentum network is not built in this package",
                "get_preweight_from_network": "deploy network to predict preweights of the smoothers",
                "reg_factor": "regularzation factor",
                "use_ode_tuple": "once use torchdiffeq package, take the tuple input or tensor input",
                "use_odeint": "using torchdiffeq package as the ode solver"
            "forward_model": {
                "smoother": {
                    "clamp_local_weight": "clmap the preweight predicted by the network",
                    "deep_smoother": {
                        "deep_network_local_weight_smoothing": "0.02 prefered,How much to smooth the local weights (implemented by smoothing the resulting velocity field) to assure sufficient regularity",
                        "diffusion_weight_penalty": "Penalized the squared gradient of the weights",
                        "edge_penalty_filename": "Edge penalty image",
                        "edge_penalty_gamma": "Constant for edge penalty: 1.0/(1.0+gamma*||\\nabla I||*min(spacing)",
                        "edge_penalty_terminate_after_writing": "Terminates the program after the edge file has been written; otherwise file may be constantly overwritten",
                        "edge_penalty_write_to_file": "If set to True the edge penalty is written into a file so it can be debugged",
                        "estimate_around_global_weights": "If true, a weighted softmax is used so the default output (for input zero) are the global weights",
                        "network_penalty": "factor by which the L2 norm of network weights is penalized",
                        "normalization_type": "Normalization type between layers: ['batch'|'layer'|'instance'|'group'|'none']",
                        "normalize_last_layer": "If set to true normalization is also used for the last layer",
                        "normalize_last_layer_initial_affine_slope": "initial slope of affine transformation for batch and group normalization",
                        "normalize_last_layer_type": "Normalization type between layers: ['batch'|'layer'|'instance'|'group'|'none']",
                        "randomly_initialize_network": "Randomly initialize the network weights",
                        "smooth_image_for_edge_detection": "Smooth image for edge detection",
                        "smooth_image_for_edge_detection_std": "Standard deviation for edge detection",
                        "standardize_display_standardization": "Outputs statistical values before and after standardization",
                        "standardize_divide_input_images": "Value to divide the input images by *AFTER* subtraction",
                        "standardize_divide_input_momentum": "Value to divide the input momentum by *AFTER* subtraction",
                        "standardize_input_images": "if true, subtracts the value specified by standardize_subtract_from_input_images followed by division by standardize_divide_input_images from all input images to the network",
                        "standardize_input_momentum": "if true, subtracts the value specified by standardize_subtract_from_input_momentum followed by division by standardize_divide_input_momentum from the input momentum to the network",
                        "standardize_subtract_from_input_images": "Subtracts this value from all images input into a network",
                        "standardize_subtract_from_input_momentum": "Subtracts this value from the input momentum into a network",
                        "total_variation_weight_penalty": "Penalize the total variation of the weights if desired",
                        "type": "type of deep smoother (simple_consistent|encoder_decoder|clustered|simple_unet|unet|unet_no_skip)",
                        "use_current_image_as_input": "If true, uses current image as input",
                        "use_momentum_as_input": "If true, uses the image and the momentum as input",
                        "use_noise_layers": "If set to true noise is injected before the nonlinear activation function and *after* potential normalization",
                        "use_noisy_convolution": "when true then the convolution layers will be replaced by noisy convolution layer",
                        "use_source_image_as_input": "If true, uses the source image as additional input",
                        "use_target_image_as_input": "If true, uses the target image as additional input",
                        "weight_range_factor": "the factor control the change of the penality ",
                        "weight_range_init_weight_penalty": "Penalize to the range of the weights",
                        "weighting_type": "Type of weighting: w_K|w_K_w|sqrt_w_K_sqrt_w"
                    "evaluate_but_do_not_optimize_over_shared_registration_parameters": "If set to true then shared registration parameters (e.g., the network or global weights) are evaluated (should have been loaded from a previously computed optimized state), but are not being optimized over",
                    "freeze_parameters": "if set to true then all the parameters that are optimized over are frozen (but they still influence the optimization indirectly; they just do not change themselves)",
                    "gaussian_std_min": "minimal allowed std for the Gaussians",
                    "gaussian_weight_min": "minimal allowed weight for the Gaussians",
                    "load_dnn_parameters_from_this_file": "If not empty, this is the file the DNN parameters are read from; useful to run a pre-initialized network",
                    "local_pre_weight_max": "max  weight  allowed for the preweight",
                    "multi_gaussian_stds": "std deviations for the Gaussians",
                    "multi_gaussian_weights": "weights for the Gaussians std",
                    "omt_power": "Power for the optimal mass transport (i.e., to which power distances are penalized",
                    "omt_use_log_transformed_std": "If set to true the standard deviations are log transformed for the computation of OMT",
                    "omt_weight_penalty": "Penalty for the optimal mass transport",
                    "optimize_over_deep_network": "if set to true the smoother will optimize over the deep network parameters; otherwise will ignore the deep network",
                    "optimize_over_smoother_stds": "if set to true the smoother will optimize over standard deviations",
                    "optimize_over_smoother_weights": "if set to true the smoother will optimize over the *global* weights",
                    "preweight_input_range_weight_penalty": "Penalty for the input to the preweight computation; weights should be between 0 and 1. If they are not they get quadratically penalized; use this with weighted_linear_softmax only.",
                    "scale_global_parameters": "If set to True the global parameters are scaled for the global parameters, to make sure energies decay similarly as for the deep-network weight estimation",
                    "start_optimize_over_nn_smoother_parameters_at_iteration": "Does not optimize the nn smoother parameters before this iteration",
                    "start_optimize_over_smoother_parameters_at_iteration": "Does not optimize the parameters before this iteration",
                    "type": "type of smoother (diffusion|gaussian|adaptive_gaussian|multiGaussian|adaptive_multiGaussian|gaussianSpatial|adaptiveNet)",
                    "use_multi_gaussian_regularization": "If set to true then the regularization for w_K_w or sqrt_w_K_sqrt_w will use multi-Gaussian smoothing (not the velocity) of the deep smoother",
                    "use_weighted_linear_softmax": "If set to ture use the use_weighted_linear_softmax to compute the pre-weights, otherwise use stable softmax"
            "load_velocity_from_forward_model": "load_velocity_from_forward_model",
            "loss": {
                "__doc__": "settings for the loss function",
                "display_max_displacement": "displays the current maximal displacement",
                "limit_displacement": "[True/False] if set to true limits the maximal displacement based on the max_displacement_setting",
                "max_displacement": "Max displacement penalty added to loss function of limit_displacement set to True"
            "shooting_vector_momentum": {
                "__doc__": "settings for shooting vector momentum methods",
                "adapt_model": {
                    "__doc__": "settings for adaptive smoothers",
                    "clamp_local_weight": "true:clamp the local weight",
                    "compute_on_initial_map": "true:  compute the map based on initial map, false: compute the map based on id map first, then interp with the initial map",
                    "local_pre_weight_max": "clamp the value from -value to value",
                    "update_sm_by_advect": "true: advect smoother parameter for each time step  false: deploy network to predict smoother params at each time step",
                    "update_sm_with_interpolation": "true: during advection, interpolate the smoother params with current map  false: compute the smoother params by advection equation",
                    "use_predefined_weight": "use predefined weight for adapt smoother"
                "use_velocity_mask_on_boundary": "a mask to force boundary velocity be zero, the value of the mask is from 0-1"
            "similarity_measure": {},
            "spline_order": "Spline interpolation order; 1 is linear interpolation (default); 3 is cubic spline",
            "type": "Name of the registration model",
            "use_CFL_clamping": "If the model uses time integration, CFL clamping is used"